Monday, December 5, 2011

You too, Brutus? - Kyoto Protocol, Politics and Environment's biggest threat

These days the Climate Change Conference is taking place in Durban, South Africa, and the biggest threat for the world in these days is poverty.

The Dream;

The Dream, as I like to call it, is named in reality 'Kyoto Protocol'. Kyoto's Protocol was announced and ratified in 1997 as a way of decreasing CO2 emissions by 5% between 2008-2012 with respect to 1990 data.

Now, we're facing the end of Kyoto's Protocol and its renovation is more than questioned. The Protocol' policy means a reduction in CO2 emissions which leads in extra cost for industry and energy prices.
With the international crisis all around, who wants to increase the price of energy and, consequently, the price of goods and services?
Who wants to decrease the purchasing power of their population? ...No one.

Politicians were pushed by the public opinion in their countries to stablish policies in order to push industry and reduce unemployment; and spending more money fighting against the Invisible Threat of Global Warming seems not to be the best way in a short term view.

Probably we'll regret about the decisions taken today at Durban, murdering the future in order to save the present. We can say to ourselves that it's for the common well, or that the decisions were taken by others like US or China, but in reality, we all are guilty of Kyoto's Protocol death; like all the Senators were guilty of Julius Caesar's death. Can you heard the world saying:"You too, Brutus?"

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