Thursday, November 10, 2011

This is an article from The Daily Stat:

NOVEMBER 10, 2011
To Young Workers, Tech Freedom Is Worth a Lot
At least 2 out of 5 college students and young employees say they'd accept a lower-paying job over one that paid more if the position offered greater flexibility on access to social media, the ability to work from various locations, and what type of mobile phone employees can use on the job, according to a survey commissioned by Cisco of more than 2,800 college students and young professionals in 14 countries. Flexibility on these issues will be important in determining which companies will land the next wave of talent, Cisco says.
According to this, in more than 14 countries the 40% of young professionals & students prefer to be in facebook and have an iPhone that to earn more money...

This survey reflects a change in the way of thinking, where a 60% prefer more money, the 40% refer much more free time in the job and New Tech applications instead of money. It opens the door to a new world of ways of paying:

In the XX century the workers prefer an exact amount of money

By the end of the century and the beginning of the new one, the payments where divided into a fixed amount and a variable amount refered to goals and achievements.

We also included some social variables in order to make the package more interesting for the employee: company's car, dental health insurance, nusery bonus, etc.

Should we consider according to Cisco's survey including time to access the facebook & other social media as a new way of retribution?

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